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发布者: 发布日期:2024-11-07 访问量:


博士, 校聘副教授


Emailzhzeng@hunnu.edu.cn / zhzeng001@gmail.com





2014-2018湖南农业大学应用心理学本科 导师:凌宇教授

2018-2021湖南师范大学健康心理学硕士 导师:胡义秋教授

2021-2024湖南师范大学健康心理学博士 导师:胡义秋教授

2022-2024阿姆斯特丹自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)临床心理学博士 导师:prof. dr. Sander L. Kooledr. Karen Holtmaat

2024.09至今 湖南师范大学校聘副教授


Zeng, Z.*, Holtmaat, K., & Koole, S. L. (2024). Psychological care for cancer survivors: a 2× 2 model of interpersonal emotion regulation by caregivers. Frontiers in Psychology, (IF = 2.6, Q2) 15, 1390692.

曾子豪, 刘双金, 杨琴, 王宏才, 刘承珍, 赵纤, 孟莉, 何震, 刘秀茹, 黄宁, 胡义秋*. (2024). 童年期创伤后亲子关系对青少年社会适应的影响:HPA轴系统多基因的调节. 心理学报, 56(8), 1091-1109.

Zihao Zeng*, Karen Holtmaat, Irma M. Verdonck-de Leeuw, and Sander L. Koole*. (2024). Chinese College Students’ Mental Health During the First Three Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Protective Role of Family Functioning. Frontiers in public health. (IF = 5.2, Q1)

曾子豪, 刘双金, 詹林,  , 王宏才, 胡义秋. (2024). 亲子关系与心理控制对青少年自杀意念的影响. 心理学探新. In press

曾子豪,胡义秋*,刘双金,彭丽仪,杨琴,王宏才... & 姚星星.(2025).学校人际关系与血清素系统多基因累积遗传风险对青少年抑郁的影响. 心理发展与教育(03),436-447.

Zihao Zeng, Yiqiu Hu, Shuangjin Liu, Hongcai Wang, & Qin Yang. (2024). The Effect of School Interpersonal Relationship Quality on Adolescent Depression: The Role of Perceived Stress and OXTR Gene. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. (IF = 2.0, Q3)

曾子豪; 胡义秋*; 彭丽仪; 刘秀茹; 何震; 赵丽莉; 姚星星. (2024). 挫败感对青少年心理健康的影响:压力知觉与人际关系的作用. 心理发展与教育. 40(6), 865-876.

Zeng, Z., Peng, L., Liu, S., He, Z., & Hu, Y*. (2023). The effect of parent-child relationship and Educational involvement on adolescent NSSI: the role of perceived stress and meaning in life. Current Psychology, 1-12. (IF = 2.8, Q2)

胡义秋*, 曾子豪, 彭丽仪, 王宏才, 刘双金, 杨琴, & 方晓义*. (2023). 亲子关系和父母教育卷入对青少年抑郁, 自伤和自杀意念的影响: 挫败感和人生意义感的作用. 心理学报, 55(1), 129.

Zeng, Z., Peng, L., Liu, S., Yang, Q., Wang, H., He, Z., & Hu, Y*. (2023). Serotonergic multilocus genetic variation moderates the association between interpersonal relationship and adolescent depressive symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 340, 616-625. (IF = 6.6, Q1 TOP)

曾子豪, 彭丽仪, 詹林, 刘双金, 欧阳晓优, 丁道群, ... & 方晓义*. (2023). 儿童期受虐对大学生抑郁症状的影响: 主观幸福感的中介和基因的调节作用. 心理发展与教育, 39(2), 276-285.

Zeng, Z., Hu, Y.*, Peng, L., Zhan, L., Liu, S., Ouyang, X., ... & Li, Z. (2023). The effect of negative life events on college students’ depression: the mediating role of internet addiction and the moderating role of 5-HTT1A gene rs6449693 polymorphism. Current Psychology, 42(8), 6555-6563. (IF = 2.8, Q2)

Hu, Y.*, Zeng, Z., Peng, L., Zhan, L., Liu, S., Ouyang, X., ... & Li, Z. (2022). The effect of childhood maltreatment on college students’ depression symptoms: The mediating role of subjective well-being and the moderating role of MAOA gene rs6323 polymorphism. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 19(3), 438-457. (IF = 2.0, Q3).

曾子豪, 胡义秋*, 彭丽仪, 詹林, 刘双金, 欧阳晓优, ... & 黎志华. (2022). 负性生活事件对大学生抑郁的影响: 网络成瘾的中介与 5-HTR1A 基因 rs749098 多态性的调节作用. 心理科学, 45(3), 599.

Hu, Y., Zeng, Z.*, Peng, L., & Yang, Q. (2022). The effect of parenting styles on depressive symptoms among Chinese college students: The role of subjective well-being and Taq1A polymorphism. Current Psychology, 1-11. (IF = 2.8, Q2)

胡义秋*, 曾子豪, 刘双金, 丁道群, & 詹林. (2019). TPH-2 基因 rs17110747 多态性与生活事件对大学生抑郁的影响. 中国临床心理学杂志, 27(1), 24-27.

胡义秋, 何震, 曾子豪, 刘双金, 杨琴 &  方晓义. (2025). 亲子关系对青少年攻击行为的影响:正念的中介作用和NR3C1基因rs41423247多态性的调节作用. 心理发展与教育 , 41(04), 561-570.

Liu, S., Qi, Q., Zeng, Z., & Hu, Y. (2024). The Relationship Between Cumulative Ecological Risk and Adolescent Suicidal Ideation: The Moderating Role of the Meaning in Life. In Child & Youth Care Forum (pp. 1-17). New York: Springer US. (IF = 1.9, Q3)

Liu, S., Zeng, Z., Qi, Q., Yang, Q., & Hu, Y. (2024). The Effect of Peer Relationships on Adolescent Loneliness: The Role of Psychological Resilience and the OXTR Gene. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 17. 2477-2489.

Wang, H., Liu, X., Zeng, Z., Liu, S., & Qin, Y. (2024). The effect of life events on NSSI: The Chain Mediating Effect of Sleep Disturbances and PLEs Among Chinese College Students. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1325436. . (IF = 4.7, Q2)

Liu, S., Qi, Q., Zeng, Z., & Hu, Y*. (2023). Cumulative ecological risk and nonsuicidal self‐injury in adolescents: The mediation of depression and the moderation of impulsiveness. Child: care, health and development. (IF = 1.9, Q3)

胡义秋,何震,曾子豪,詹林 & 申自力*.(2023).亲子关系对青少年抑郁的影响:认知灵活性和友谊质量的作用. 中国临床心理学杂志(03),682-687.

孙静慧, 胡义秋*, 曾子豪, 丁道群, & 王玉龙. (2022). 生活事件对大学生抑郁的影响: 主观幸福感和网络成瘾的链式中介作用. 心理学进展, 12, 768.

杨琴,胡义秋*,尹筱晗,曾子豪,彭咏梅,何震 & 刘双金.(2022).亲子关系对小学儿童抑郁症状的影响:一个有调节的中介模型. 中国临床心理学杂志(06),1297-1302+1307.

彭丽仪, 胡义秋*, 曾子豪, & 詹林. (2021). 儿童期受虐经历对大学生抑郁的影响: 神经质人格和 MAOA 基因 rs3027407 多态性的作用. 心理与行为研究, 19(2), 230.

Yang, Q., Hu, Y. Q.*, Zeng, Z. H., Liu, S. J., Wu, T., & Zhang, G. H. (2022). The relationship of family functioning and suicidal ideation among adolescents: the mediating role of defeat and the moderating role of meaning in life. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(23), 15895. (IF = 4.6, Q2)

杨琴, 胡蓉, 曾子豪, 胡义秋*, & 王宏才. (2021). 儿童期受虐, 生活事件和大学生抑郁症状的关系: 一个多重中介模型. 中国临床心理学杂志, 29(5), 1023-1027.


Zihao Zeng*, Karen Holtmaat, Xihan Jia, George L. Burchell, and Irma M. Verdonck-de Leeuw, Sander L. Koole. Interpersonal Emotion Regulation and Mental Health among Cancer SurvivorsA Systematic Review. International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) Congress (IPOS 2024 | Maastricht, the Netherlands | 24 - 27 September 2024). Poster presentation.

Zihao Zeng (2023). Interpersonal Emotion Regulation and Mental Health among Cancer SurvivorsA Systematic Review. Department of Psycho-Oncology, Vrije University Amsterdam. Oral presentation

曾子豪(2021)父母教养方式对大学生抑郁的影响:主观幸福感的中介作用及DRD2基因Taq1A多态性的调控。中国心理学会婚姻家庭心理与咨询专业委员会首届年会暨第五届婚姻家庭治疗国际研讨会,Oral presentation


我每周大概会审一两篇文章,Annals of Medicine (Elevate), Adolescent Psychiatry, BMC Medical Education, BMC psychology, BMC public health, BMC psychiatry, Current Molecular Pharmacology, Environment and Social Psycholog, Frontiers in psychology, Frontiers in psychiatry, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Scientific Report审稿人。













2014-2020全国教育科学规划 国家一般项目:大学生抑郁症的易感性:社会心理因素与基因多态性的共同作用BBA140047)——参与

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