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发布者:湖南师大银河集团9873cm 发布日期:2021-12-03 访问量:






   湖南师范大学学银河集团9873cm [湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓山路36号,湖南师范大学田家炳教育书院6

E-mail地址: jin.li@hunnu.edu.cn





20199月—20209月:奥斯陆大学心理学院博士后,合作导师:Rolf Reber


多个国内外心理学权威期刊如Social cognitive & affective neuroscience, Psychophysiology, Neuropsychologia, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Letters, Frontiers in Psycholog心理学报 等国际国内期刊审稿人。开设硕士课程《心理学实验设计与数据处理》,本科生课程《心理科学研究方法》《学校心理辅导》




·         社会认知神经科学(主要利用ERPfMRI技术):包括社会奖赏加工、利他行为、人际关系加工等。




1 国家自然科学基金青年项目:合作与竞争情境下建议给予和建议采纳的认知机制研究(No. 32000769),2021-2023,在研。

2 湖南省社科青年项目青少年社会价值取向对利他行为的影响机制及其干预研究 (No. 19YBQ080)2020-2022,在研。

3】湖南省自然科学基金-青年基金项目 建议采纳中确认偏误效应"认知机制及其干预研究(2021JJ40337 2021-2023,在研

4湖南省研究生科研创新项目:社交心理模式对亲社会行为的影响 (CX2017B162),已结题。





 3国家自然科学基金青年项目:欺骗中自我控制的影响:行为及神经基础研究 (31500883),已结题。



[1] Li, M., Li, J. et al. (2023).  Social distance modulates the influence of social observation on pro-environmental behavior: An event-related potential (ERP) study. Biological Psychology: 108519. (SCI/SSCI收录刊物,影响因子/JCR分区:3.111/Q2,神经领域专业刊物)

[2] Li, J.*, Li, M., Sun, Y., Fan, W., & Zhong, Y. (2022). Interpersonal relationships modulate subjective ratings and electrophysiological responses of moral evaluations.(Accepted). Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. SCI收录刊物,影响因子/JCR分区:3.571/Q2,社会神经领域专业刊物)

[3] Li, M., Li, J.*, Zhang, G., Fan, W., & Zhong, Y. (2022). Interpersonal distance modulates the influence of social observation on prosocial behaviour: An event-related potential (ERP) study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 176, 108-116. (SCI/SSCI收录刊物,影响因子/JCR分区:3.631/Q2,社会神经领域专业刊物)

[4] Li, J, Xu, N, Zhong, Y. (2021). Monetary payoffs modulate reciprocity expectations in outcome evaluations: An event‐related potential study. European Journal of Neuroscience; 53: 902– 915. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.15100 SCI收录刊物,影响因子/JCR分区:3.115/Q2

[5] Li, M., Li, J.*, Tan, M., Zhong, Y. (2021). Exposure to money modulates the processing of charitable donation: An event-related potentials study. Neuroscience letters, 765. SCI收录刊物)

[6] Li, J., Liu, L., Sun, Y., Fan, W., Li, M., & Zhong, Y. (2020). Exposure to money modulates neural responses to outcome evaluations involving social reward. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 15(1): 111-121. doi:10.1093/scan/nsaa019SCI/SSCI收录刊物,影响因子/JCR分区:3.571/Q1,社会神经领域权威刊物)

[7] Li, J., Sun, Y., Li, M., Li, H. e., Fan, W., & Zhong, Y. (2020). Social distance modulates prosocial behaviors in the gain and loss contexts: An event-related potential (ERP) study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 150, 83-91. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2020.02.003SCI/SSCI收录刊物,影响因子/JCR分区:3.631/Q2

[8] 李琎,孙宇,杨子鹿 & 钟毅平(2020). 社会价值取向对自我社会奖赏加工的影响——来自ERPs的证据.心理学报, 52(6), 786-800 (心理学顶尖权威刊物)

[9] Li, J., Li, A., Sun, Y., Li, H. E., Liu, L., Zhan, Y., Fan, W., & Zhong, Y. (2019). The Effect of Preceding Self-Control on Prosocial Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Awe. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 682. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00682 SSCI收录刊物,Q2, 影响因子: 2.885

[10] Li, J., Zhan, Y., Fan, W., Liu, L., Li, M., Sun, Y., & Zhong, Y. (2018). Sociality Mental Modes Modulate the Processing of Advice-Giving: An Event-Related Potentials Study. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 42. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00042

[11] 钟毅平,李琎,王潇. (2017). 时间洞察力特质对食品选择偏好的影响:解释水平对内隐偏好的作用. 心理科学, 40(5): 1161-1167. (CSSCI重要刊物)

[12] 钟毅平,李琎,占友龙,范伟,&杨子鹿.(2016). 自我旋转面孔识别的ERPs研究.心理学报,48(11), 1379-1389.

[13] 李琎,钟毅平. (2016). 权力线索下注意敏感性的性别差异.心理研究9(1): 27-30. CSSCI扩展刊物)

[14] Zhan, Y., Xiao, X., Tan, Q., Li, J., Fan, W., Chen, J., & Zhong, Y.(2020). Neural correlations of the influence of self-relevance on moral decision-making involving a trade-off between harm and reward. Psychophysiology, doi:10.1111/psyp.13590

[15] Liu, L., Li, W., Li, J., Lou, L., & Chen, J. (2019). Temporal Features of Psychological and Physical Self Representation: An ERP Study. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 785. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00785.

[16] Zhan, Y., Xiao, X., Jin, L., Lei, L., Jie, C., & Wei, F., et al. (2018). Interpersonal relationship modulates the behavioral and neural responses during moral decision-making. Neuroscience Letters, 672.

[17] 钟毅平,李梅,李琎,占友龙. (2019).  谈钱伤感情”?社交心理模式对慈善捐赠的影响. 心理与行为研究,17(3): 368-376. (CSSCI收录刊物)

[18] 钟毅平,孙宇,李琎,占友龙,范伟. (2019). 隐喻的双向映射:重量概念和程度范畴的表征关系(英文). 中国临床心理学杂志,27(01):1-9. (CSSCI重要刊物)

[19] Zhan, Y., Xiao, X., Chen, J., Li, J., Fan, W., & Zhong, Y. (2017). Consciously over Unconsciously Perceived Rewards Facilitate Self-face Processing: An ERP Study. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 7836.

[20] Zhan, Y., Chen, J., Xiao, X., Li, J., Yang, Z., Fan, W., & Zhong, Y. (2016). Reward Promotes Self-Face Processing: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1-10.

[21] Fan, W., Zhong, Y., Li, J., Yang, Z., Zhan, Y., Cai, R., & Fu, X. (2016). Negative Emotion Weakens the Degree of Self-Reference Effect: Evidence from ERPs. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1408.

[22] 范伟, 钟毅平, 杨子鹿, 李琎, 欧阳益, & 蔡荣华等. (2016). 外倾个体的自我参照加工程度效应. 心理学报, 48(8), 1002-1012.

[23]钟毅平, 占友龙, 李琎, & 范伟. (2017). 道德决策的机制及干预研究:自我相关性与风险水平的作用. 心理科学进展, 25(7), 1093-1102. CSSCI重要刊物)

[24] 范伟, 钟毅平, 李琎, & 黄俊伟. (2016). 职业性别刻板印象激活效应:一项ERP研究. 中国临床心理学杂志, 24(3), 381-388. CSSCI重要刊物)

[25] 王锡爱, 范伟, 李琎, 李惠娥, 易文婷, & 陈智勇等. (2015). 民族自我参照效应:行为和ERPs 证据. 中国临床心理学杂志, 23(4), 608-614. CSSCI 重要刊物)











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